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Additional Details:

Number: 29
Colour: Yellow Away
Sleeve: Long Sleeve
Season Start Year: 2002
Season End Year: 2003
Badge1: Nationwide Badges
Trademark: LeCoq
Sponsor: LG
Others: Players Shirt, Signed
Size: No Size Tag

Players shirts from this season were very rare. Due to administration players tended to use the same shirts throughout the season. This is the only one I have seen available from this season and it only became available as Matt Piper left before he could play in it. The shirt has the Nationwode badges that were not available in the shops and it also does not have a size tag, which highlights it being a players shirt.
Matt was a great prospect, a real talent that we unfortunately one saw for a brief period. He did really well when he played during the 2001/2002 season, but because of administration we had to sell him. He then played for a short period for Sunderalnd before injuries cut his career very short. A real talent and a real shame that he did not manage to fulfil his obvious potential. One further point, Matt was the last player to score at Filbert Street.
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