Latest Shirts:
Additional Details:
Number: 3
Colour: Blue Home
Sleeve: Long Sleeved
Season Start Year: 2009
Season End Year: 2010
Badge1: Coca Cola League 1 Winners Patches
Trademark: Joma
Sponsor: JESSOPS
Others: Match Worn, Poppy Shirt
Match: Saturday 7th November v Plymouth
 | Good quality shirt and the only one I have of this version in long sleeves.
Each player were issued with one poppy shirt for the poppy day fixture played v Plymouth on 7th November.
Some players wore the shirt all game, others changed to a standard shirt in the second half.
This one was worn by Ryan, then auctioned off by the club after the match. |
 | Ryan had a difficult time on loan with us. He came with a good reputation, including International honours, but did struggle in certain games. Only a young lad, and although he struggled a bit at times, you have to give him credit for not hiding and battling his way through.
He game us more than a few jittery moments. |