Latest Shirts:
Additional Details:
Number: 15
Colour: Beige Away
Sleeve: Short Sleeved
Season Start Year: 2003
Season End Year: 2004
Trademark: Nike
Others: Match Worn, Game Detail, Swapped With Leicester City Player
Match: Leicester City v Barcelona 8th August 2003
 | This shirt came from the prestigious friendly played between Leicester City and Barcelona at the Walkers. Big pre-season game for Leicester, with all the Barcelona stars being present, including Ronaldinho.
This shirt was a player swap with a Leicester player. |
 | There is a bit of a quirky tale with regards to the shirt swapping after the match.
Leicester had two new kits just launched, so they played in blue in the first half, then changed to the black kit in the second half.
The players swapped shirts at the end of the game, however we needed the black kit for a game a few days away.
The kitman marched to the Barca dressing room, armed with the first half used blue kit and asked if he could do a swap. The Barca kitman swapped the black for blue and we were able to use the kit a few days later as required. |